


A panel of six experts, including P’OP, worked with Irene Psifidou to develop this toolkit launched at Cedefop (European Center for the Development of Vocational Training) at the Learning Policy Forum. 16-17/5 in Thessaloniki.

The Europe-wide toolkit provides practical guidance, tips, good practice and tools to assist policy-makers and education and training providers in activities and policies. It is inspired by successful VET practices which help young people attain at least an upper secondary qualification.

The toolkit works in three ways by helping to:

  • identify learners at risk of early leaving or who have already left education;
  • intervene to keep them in or bring them back to the system;
  • evaluate the measures implemented.

A new self-reflection tool for policy-makers and two evaluation plans (one for policy-makers and one for VET providers) can be used to monitor and evaluate the performance of policies and practices.

It is inspired by successful practices including those of our project “Recognize-Remedy-Reengage

Apply for free membership to the toolkit and benefit from its resources!

Cedefop Directeur Cedefop

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An algorithm developed by The Open University is “able to predict a student’s final grade within just a week of their starting their course”.

OU analyse

Now “at least two Russell Group universities” are considering how they can adapt the technology, which looks at factors including how enthusiastically students participate in online learning forums to improve their results, the Financial Times reported on 27 July. Meanwhile in the US, Dartmouth College tutors have “trialed an app on students’ phones that measures how long they spend sleeping, studying, partying and exercising”. How about that as a metric for the teaching excellence framework? If graduate earnings are used as a measure of teaching quality, then a metric on student sleeping habits merits consideration too.

European Toolkit for Schools

Promoting inclusive education and tackling early school leaving

  • Are you interested in finding more effective ways to support your pupils?
  • Do you want to improve attendance or reduce drop-out?
  • Are you looking for ways to improve the involvement of parents in your school?
  • Do you have a large number of pupils whose mother tongue is not your language of teaching?
  • Are you considering introducing more collaborative approaches to teaching and learning?

Then read on! This on-line resource provides you with a range of materials designed to help you!

Find out more


Announcement: European Toolkit for Schools is currently available in English only. Additional language versions will be available in early 2016.


Source: http://www.schooleducationgateway.eu/

What will our digital heritage be?

The applications we use influence the way we live and even the way we think. As digital applications have become increasingly corporatised and consumer-commodity driven, have we drifted from the founding principles of the Web, which made it such a magical experience to begin with? As I said, technology is transformative.



To complement the “skills agenda”, let’s also seek for youth to set the digital agenda more broadly. This involves asking questions like:

  • What are our priorities for society?
  • What do we want to achieve over our lifetimes?
  • Which technologies would help to achieve these priorities?
  • How do we build them?

Let’s match commitments to digital skills with the commitment to empowering young people everywhere to pursue digital passion projects of their own conception. Yes, this will require resources and financial support. But more empowered investment may result in skill sets and technologies which are more revolutionary than we even knew were possible.

Source: http://www.yomag.eu/will-digital-heritage/

Having a good writing would increase the chances of successful

I write, therefore I communicate…

« Six individuals, six writings »


Source: Site d’Anne Zachary, graphotérapeuthe, http://azgraphotherapie.be/ecrire/

I write, therefore I  memorize…

« Other research highlights the hand’s unique relationship with the brain when it comes to composing thoughts and ideas. »

Source: « How Handwriting Trains the Brain. Forming Letters Is Key to Learning, Memory, Ideas » by GWENDOLYN BOUNDS, The Wall Street Journal, 2010.

« Les lettres écrites à la main sont mieux reconnues que celles écrites au clavier. Il est capital d’apprendre l’écriture manuscrite pour mieux lire et bien comprendre les consignes. »

Source: Site d’Anne Zachary, graphotérapeuthe, http://azgraphotherapie.be/ecrire/



What does a world without handwriting?


« Les psychologues avancent les bienfaits de l’écriture manuscrite dans le développement du cerveau, tandis que les évolutionnistes pointent le nécessaire abandon d’anciennes technologies. Le débat est complexe. »

Source: « À quoi ressemble un monde sans écriture manuelle? » par Sarah Rubato paru sur Huffingtonpost.fr , 2014.

« Le temps utilisé à dompter, souvent très mal, la main pour écrire doit être partagé pour favoriser l’expression orale qui fait défaut à une majeure partie de la population. »

Source: « L’écriture manuscrite, dépassée ? Oui, elle contraint beaucoup trop nos enfants. » par Philippe Szykulla, paru sur L’Obs, 2014

All the best for 2016!

To all of our visitors from all over the world and to our European partners who work to prevent early school leaving, 
we wish a happy and prosperous New Year !

Here is the list of 54 countries that have visited us in 2015!

Romania, Belgium, France, United States, Finland, Greece, Germany, Brazil, UK, Spain, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Hungary, Morocco, Malta, Portugal, Austria, Turkey, Latvia, India, Mexico, Russia, Philippines, Argentina, Guadeloupe, Estonia, Ivory Coast, European Union, Ireland, Japan, Ecuador, Indonesia, Togo, Croatia, Australia, Iceland, Malaysia, Bulgaria, Thailand, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Taiwan Qatar, Serbia, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Colombia, Czech Republic, China.