COMENIUS Project (2013-2015)

The problem of drop outs is global.

Despite the existence of systematic and targeted strategies to fight against the phenomenon of early school leaving, in our daily work it seems that we are forced to reconsider the position of each actor in the system.

Our partnership covers the four cardinal points and it is built on sharing our experiences and our respective knowledge to enable us to understand the essential and common aspects of this problem.

Our goal is to develop tools accessible to all, based on the best models faced by our partners.

Our ambition is to give a chance to revive the fragile relationship between the learner and the teacher.

Our purpose is to prevent school drop outs here and elsewhere in Europe.

Recognize-Remedy-Re-engage /  Repérer-Réparer-Raccrocher

Three words like three objectives for two targets: the learner and the teacher.

Our network aims to build two electronic tools hosted on the same platform accessible to all.

1. Recognize / Repérer 


Pupils can estimate their own risk of dropping out by a questionnaire accessible to all European pupils in the partner schools or for all European pupils from their homes.

This survey is conducted in partnership with LIST, the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, and will be hosted by the Spin-Off: TAO.

2. Remedy / Réparer


How to repair the relationship between the school and the potential drop out?

Just as everyone has a preferred learning style, each teacher has a preferred educational style – « We teach what we are. » – Howard Garner defines eight types of intelligence. It turns out that teachers are primarily trained in two kinds – the logical-mathematical intelligence and linguistically intelligence. Since the digital revolution, students are more engaged with other types of intelligence, such as visual-spatial intelligence, kinesthetic, musical …
Therefore, if we compare this framework to radio frequencies, students hear the lesson, but with some crackling… After a few minutes of sustained attention, they zap! Some speak of loss of motivation, attention, interest or endurance or coping with stress …
If the teacher would use different teaching styles, the lesson could be heard!
In May 2015, a new tool for students  will be available based on the theory of multiple intelligences by Howard Gardner.

3. Re-engage / Raccrocher 


With the result of the questionnaire about dropping out, we’ll propose to students individualized solutions, according to their profiles, as such as:

– A contact person,

– A multidisciplinary team organized within the school.

– Some tools on the internet.

The objective is to guide and support students through school to prevent them  from dropping out.

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