
Project restitution evening at PwC, Luxembourg, mai 2015.

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A panel of several personalities have discussed around the theme of early school leaving, amongst which: Mr Evarist Bartolo, Minister of Education and Employment of Malta; Mr Claude Turmes, Luxembourg Member of the European Parliament; Mr Romain Martin, Professor of Psychology and Educational Science at the University of Luxembourg; Mr Thomas Debrux, Director of the Sainte-Marie Institute, President of the Modoperandi Association; Ms Béatrix Charlier, coordinator of the project


Simpozionul International « Metode interactive și bune practici pentru prevenirea abandonului școlar în școlile europene » in Iași, Roumania, octobre 2014.

Dissemination of our project to Iasi, and some interesting ways of teaching.

TAO Days Budapest, septembre 2014.


Dissemination of our project to Budapest… We’ve even touched a public come from USA, Switzerland, Colombia…


THESSALONIKI, European Center of Vocational Training – Cedefop, mai 2014.


Conference by Irene Psifidou, project manager at Cedefop, and presentation of our project at Cedefop.
Presentation of our project to the Cedefop in Thessaloniki.
Cedefop Director James Calleja at the opening session, flanked by Irene Psifidou of Cedefop and Aline Juerges of the European Commission. Sogol Noorani of Eurydice at right.Thessaloniki, Greece – June 03/2014
Participation with Christina Tsiami to the Cedefop workshop on the theme : « The role of VET in reducing early leaving from education & training », Juin 2014.

For more:

AMIENS, Lycée Romain Rolland, janvier 2014.

Conférence Le décrochage scolaire, comprendre et prévenir de Maryse Esterle, sociologue, maître de conférences à l’Université d’Arras, auteure de : Les élèves transparents. Les arrêts de la scolarité avant 16 ans, Ed. du Septentrion, 2007.

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